Love it or loathe it, Haggis is Scotland's best known dish.
Haggis is normally served with mashed potato (tatties) and turnip (neeps). It may not sound very appetising when you hear the list of ingredients but the end result is a taste sensation and not to be missed on your visit to Scotland.
This haggis was for a traditional Burn's super.
Watch the video to see how you can prepare a haggis for your own Burn's supper.
Now try and answer these questions about the video.
- Can you name the vegetables you can eat with a haggis?
- Potatoes
- Turnips or Swede
- Carrots
- What verb is used for taking the skin off vegetables?
To peel
- What are the ingredients cut into?
- Cubes
- Quarters
- Finally, what is haggis best served with?
On a plate with mashed potatoes, mashed carrot and turnip