Principal's Post - June One of our exciting new discoveries has been the Colinton Tunnel mural - a 140-metre mural based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s wonderful poem From a Railway Carriage. Leer más... Principal's Post - May The hushed silence of the school building reminds us of the missing, but most important ingredient of our school - our wonderful international clients and our dedicated staff. Leer más... Principal's Post - April For those students who had already decided to return home early and the few who decided to stay in Scotland, our teachers have risen to the challenge of completing their courses online. Leer más... Principal's Post - March This year ECS Scotland is celebrating its 25th anniversary. For 25 years we have been welcoming clients from all over the world to our small group and 1-to-1 courses, here in Edinburgh. Leer más... IELTS exam preparation course The International English Language Testing System is a test of English which is recognised throughout the world. The IELTS exam has now become one of the most commonly recognised English language tests in the world. Leer más... Cambridge English: Advanced examination Studying for the Advanced exam will make you more accurate and will widen your use of vocabulary and structures. Leer más... Our teachers : Jane Jane's main goal in life is to promote effective communication and inter-cultural awareness between people of different language backgrounds. Leer más... Our teachers : Flora McPhail Flora's been teaching at ECS for a number of years now and enjoys teaching general and conversational classes. She also organises our summer social programme which involves afternoon local trips to museums or places of interest. Leer más... Our teachers : Laura Mckinlay Laura is often your first point of contact with ECS Scotland as she takes care of the enquiries, bookings, administration, homestay accommodation and excursions at ECS Scotland Leer más... Visit to Stirling Castle Stirling Castle has played an important part in Scottish history for hundreds of years. The castle has been restored and refurbished and it is a popular visit with our students. Leer más... Página anterior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Página siguiente