Our English for Environmental Sciences course is aimed at Environmental professionals from a variety of working backgrounds.
Our client this week is a landscape surveyor, so we covered the essential vocabulary of geographical features, before moving on to look at how to describe topography, drainage and land use. Next week we'll also be looking at methodologies for describing vegetation and habitats as well as a personal project our client is working on. Towards the end of the week we aim to have some lessons in the open air, Arthur's Seat close to the city centre and the Pentland Hills just outside the city are perfect locations for a range of outdoor Environmental English lessons.
As in all our Professional English courses, there will also be some training in the language needed for effective presentations and participation in meetings. We have previously delivered sessions for clients working in geological surveying, ecosystems surveying and renewable energy, and this is an opportunity to consolidate and extend our resources in this growing area of Professional English.
We intend to continue to mould individual sessions to clients' needs, and we're aiming this course at professionals working in fields including Ecology, Energy, Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology and Soil Science.
Edinburgh really is a good location for an Environmental English course, we have so many beautiful natural settings on our doorstep. Hills, glens, rivers, lochs and beaches are all accessible within an hour's drive.
Edinburgh really is a good location for an Environmental English course, we have so many beautiful natural settings on our doorstep.